Smart Ways That Increase Testosterone

The power of testosterone is immense. It can build muscle and burn body fat. With a lot of other benefits. As one gets older, one has to deal with a slight decrease in testosterone. As a result, fat is stored faster and the risk of heart disease is increased. A reduced physical ability. These smarter ways to increase testosterone can then help you boost testosterone when needed.

Testosterone is also important for women. When the testosterone in women is not in balance, the hormone estrogen will increase. As a result of which more fat is stored, the metabolism is slowed down and a weaker bone structure occurs. Increasing testosterone in women will also help boost libido. Which is therefore not only of great importance for men in maintaining a healthy libido.

Fortunately, there are several ways that increase testosterone, and they do this naturally. Because the ways that increase testosterone that I'm going to mention are all either lifestyle changes or contain minerals and vitamins that are very much needed for not only testosterone, but many other processes of the body. To name just 1, zinc for example. Zinc contributes to sperm health, produces testosterone, but also acts as an antioxidant and protects the immune system.

Eat fat, boost testosterone

Fat is one of the most important pillars in testosterone production. It used to be thought that fat was linked to heart disease and elevated cholesterol. Now it is clear that it is an excellent way to increase testosterone. It is important here which type of fat you eat. Provide unsaturated fatty acids such as avocado, nuts, seeds.

Don't avoid cholesterol

Testosterone is obtained from cholesterol. So it comes as no surprise that if you are deficient in cholesterol, you will also be deficient in testosterone. Research has shown that there is a relationship between HDL cholesterol levels and free testosterone in the body. A good way to get cholesterol is to eat eggs. However, most cholesterol sources are rich in saturated fatty acids such as red meat. Other sources of cholesterol are shrimp and other seafood.

Weight training

When you do strength training, it has an effect on the production of testosterone. Of course it depends on the degree of strength training. When you train with heavy weights, which you can lift a maximum of 8 times, the production of testosterone is greatest. The increase is also enormous with exercises where you call on multiple muscle groups. Increasing testosterone with strength training is best done by doing so-called compound exercises. These are exercises where you train different muscle groups at the same time. Those exercises include the Bench Press, Neck Press, Deadlift, and Squats. Adding these exercises to your schedule will show a marked increase in testerone.

Get enough sleep

Sleep deprivation dramatically affects testosterone production in the body. In addition, it lowers the capacity to build muscle and burn fat. On average 7-9 hours a night should be sufficient for healthy testosterone production. Testosterone is therefore produced during sleep. Getting enough sleep will not immediately increase testosterone. However, too little sleep will immediately lower testosterone. So get enough sleep.

Also by not sleeping enough, female hormone is produced. This is because the hormone cortisol is produced in the adrenal gland. That is later converted into female hormone. When the adrenal gland is engaged in producing cortisol. Testosterone production is paralyzed. It is certainly recommended to sleep for 7 to 8 hours every night and to sleep well once or twice a week. To gain extra strength and to make up for a lack of sleep.

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